
Interface basics


  1. At the Heredity Report page, press the Add new genome
  2. Select European Male 1 and click the Load File button
  3. Now do it again, but select European Female 1 this time
  4. Now we have two genomes loaded, and their names (Genome #1 and Genome #2) appear on the leftmost tabs
  5. Click on the Calculate button near the Blood Type (ABO) trait. It will show that the first person has group A, the second one has group O and their offsprings have 50% probability of inheriting either group A or group O from their parents
  6. Click on the Calculate button near the Eye color trait. Looks like the first person has blue eyes, the second one has brown ones and their offsprings are likely to inherit brown eyes from their parents
  7. Let's check another trait - Spot Baldness. Click on the Calculate button to see the results. The average lifetime risk of getting spot baldness is 1.7%, and the first person has an increased risk (2%, x1.18 the average risk which is 18% above the average) while the second one has her risk decreased to 0.6% (x0.35 the average risk, which is 65% below the average). Their offsprings' expected risk for Spot Baldness ranges between 0.4% and 3% with the most probable value around 1.2%, so they are likely to have below than average risk for this trait.
  8. Now click the Calculate all reports
    button to open all traits and conditions

Remember that these results are not a medical advice and should not be used for diagnosing treating or preventing any disease. If you have any health-related concerns you should consult with a doctor.

Getting raw data files from personal genomics companies


Family Tree DNA

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